Thursday, April 7, 2016


Do you ever wonder why we are the way we are? Do you ever wonder what we could be? Do you ever feel so happy one moment, then wonder why your mood just plummeted? Do you ever wonder why you feel like you are in a rut? Do you wonder why in the hell did you choose the profession you chose? The list is endless. 

How much do you wonder?

I think the reason we wonder so much is because we don't wander enough. We need to wander into new experiences, good and bad. We need to wander to the book store and read something new. We need to wander our neighborhoods and find a restaurant we never knew existed. We need to wander to new cities and new countries and see the world. We need to wander with friends. We need to wander with significant others. We need to wander alone. 

People are not meant to remain stagnant. 

People are meant to stop WONDERING and begin WANDERING. 

Wandering prevents wondering. 

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