Saturday, October 8, 2016

It Works!

I was introduced to It Works! about a year and a half ago by a former college basketball teammate. She kept posting about a company that was changing her life and giving her the financial freedom she had always wanted.

Obviously, I was super skeptical. How could a magical company come out of no where and change someone's life, just like that?

Well it took me about 6 months before I finally said YES! and I have loved every second of it! I joined to make an extra $100 a month just to have a little more cash in the bank, but It Works! has helped me slowly but surely take care of my credit cards. I am getting closer and closer to a zero balance and it is all because of It Works!

I have recently move across the country to Alabama to pursue my dream of becoming a college basketball coach, and It Works! has allowed me to do that!

I'm so thankful for this company and everything it represents. FUN. FIT. FAMILY. FREEDOM!

Join me!!!!

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