

I have recently relocated to Wheeling, WV for a new job and grad school. Wheeling is about an hour from Pittsburgh, so when my friends from Cincinnati came to visit we decided to spend a night out in Pittsburgh, and let me tell you it was AWESOME! 

Pittsburgh really is such a fun city, with so many restaurants and bars and sporting events. We spent out night out in Southside, which is a neighborhood in downtown Pitt that is littered with bars and fun places to go out. Here are some pictures from our night out:



The Trip I Used my Boyfriend For. 

My boyfriend played professional baseball in Croatia from April 2015 to October 2015. So I used him as an excuse to finally go on my European vacation. Not that I needed an excuse, I'd wanted to go to Europe for as long as I can remember, but when he went to play, I decided 100% that the trip would be planned, made, experienced, EVERYTHING. 

We decided to spend 2-3 days in as many cities we could fit into my two weeks of PTO. So we settled on five locations. 
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • Munich, Germany
  • Linz, Austria
  • Vienna, Austria
  • Karlavacs, Croatia (Unfortunately, no photos)
I wish we could have fit more locations into our trip, but I wanted to have an experience in each of these places and become attached to what was in front of me and not feel rushed. I couldn't have had a better time. We saw the sights, we ate the food, we went to the museums, we drank with the locals, we had the best time of our lives. 

I found a piece of my soul in Europe and I will never forget that trip. 





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